Data Science

40 Best Data Science Quotes To Inspire You

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Data science is growing rapidly, and why not. Businesses look at huge data sets daily and are keen on finding patterns and trends to help them stay ahead in the evolving market. Data Scientists have the skills and know-how to understand data, remove all the noise and identify core patterns that can impact business decisions.

Data science encompasses other core concepts like artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and deep learning to extract, explore, analyze, and derive meaningful insights. The learning graph of a data scientist is not very steep but elaborate.

You learn analytical skills and decision-making capabilities together. And this learning is never limited to textbook knowledge. Some of it comes from learning from experienced data scientists; the rest is inspirational.

Talking about inspiration – reading data science quotes can always invoke thought in a data scientist. It helps in looking at the subject with a new set of eyes and with a tinge of humor at times. After all, people who’ve been there know the struggle better, and quotes are the best way to get an insight into what the subject is all about.

Presenting 40 best data science quotes that inspire you to re-think, re-evaluate, and re-learn. Let’s get started.

40 Best Data Science Quotes

The data science quotes focus on various aspects and challenges of data science- from its needs, importance, and sub-types to techniques, such as statistics, big data, machine learning, deep learning, and AI.

We have categorized the quotes for easy access and understanding.

important data science quotes

To learn data science, you must first understand its importance; the following data science quotes will help.

Data and data science greatly influence everything we do…The impact that data has and will have…continues to grow every day. – Ronald van Loon

What it means: The fantastic thing about data science is that it has found its place in every domain. From finance and environment to any field that wants to improve its decision-making, the impact of data science will only continue to grow.

Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine – Peter Sondergaard (Senior Vice President and the Global Head of Research at Gartner Inc)

What it means: Oil is precious but useless if we don’t develop an engine to use it. Similarly, while the quest for quality data is ever-increasing, it’s only useful once we enhance our analytical skills.

Most of the world will make decisions by either guessing or using their gut. They will be either lucky or wrong – Suhail Doshi

What it means: This data science quote from Suhail Doshi emphasizes the consequences of decision-making not backed by data science. Decisions based on one’s intuition or guesswork might be right, but that will be a product of luck. Therefore, you must involve data science in your decision-making processes.

[Su_quote]The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see – John Tukey [/su_quote]

What it means: The importance of data science is justified because the insights you get from using it opens your eyes and increase your awareness of a situation. Data science nudges us to think in a direction or look at a problem from a perspective we may never have considered. This is among the most significant contributions of data science.

That which cannot be measured cannot be proven – Anthony W. Richardson

What it means: This quote will make you realize the uniqueness of data analysis. The way any scientific endeavor aims to prove a phenomenon is not based on theories but by analyzing data; data science works on the same principle.

For example, you may believe that consumer preference changed from watching movies in theaters to OTT platforms. However, you can prove this phenomenon once you measure and quantify it.

practicing data science quotes

If by now you appreciate the importance of Data Science, then you must also be aware of how you should practice it. These data science quotes underline various practices you can follow when learning and exercising this field.

The best way to learn data science is to do data science – Chanin Nantasenamat
Learning how to do data science is like learning to ski. You have to do it – Claudia Perlich

What they mean: The quotes above are essential for any data science aspirant. Often individuals learning data science start focusing on learning about algorithms and mugging up statistical formulas. But it’s better to practice them to master Data Science.

Solving different business problems and various kinds of datasets will help you implement the art of data science efficiently. After much practice, you learn when to use the right algorithms, leverage the right tool, and use the right medium to explain your findings.

Aim for simplicity in Data Science. Real creativity won’t make things more complex. Instead, it will simplify them – Damian Duffy Mingle

What it means: Many quotes on Data Science explain the complicated aspects of this field. This quote, however, emphasizes keeping things simple. As Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough” – The same idea applies to data science too. While there are many complex tools, data science aims to avoid further complicating a problem and provide implementable answers.

If you wanna do data science, learn how it is a technical, cultural, economic, and social discipline that has the ability to consolidate and rearrange societal power structures – Hugo Bowne-Anderson (Head of data science evangelism and marketing at Coiled)

What it means: This quote motivates you to have a critical perspective when exercising data science because of its multifaceted impact on the world. You can use it to create political campaigns, check voting preferences, and more.

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Therefore when practicing data science, you must remember that it’s a double-edged sword and has the power to change the world and people’s lives.

If someone reports close to 100% accuracy, they are either lying to you, made a mistake, forecasting the future with the future, predicting something with the same thing, or rigged the problem – Matthew Schneider

What it means: This one is among the most insightful quotes on data science. It critically conveys all problems the Data Science domain faces, like data leakage, overfitting, and confirmation bias. When you are practicing data science, you often create predictive models.

These models need great care and attention to detail for their formation. If the event you are trying to predict is already there among your predictors, you will gain unusually high accuracy. However, when such models work in real-time, they fail miserably.

Gentlemen, you need to put the armor plate where the bullet holes aren’t because that’s where the holes were on the planes that didn’t return – Abraham Wald

What it means: This thought conveys the problem of availability bias that data practitioners suffer from. This quote has a World War 2 reference, where many Allied aircraft were lost in fighting with the Axis powers. The question was to up the armor of the correct amount and identify the appropriate place on an airplane to make it more maneuverable and light.

The image below is of an aircraft used by the Allied forces that made it back to the bases. The red dots indicate the places where the aircraft had bullet holes. Now ask yourself, where would you put the additional armor?

You might be tempted to say that the armor should be put on the rudder, around the cockpit, and tips of the wings, i.e., where there are bullet holes. However, according to the Hungarian mathematician Abraham Wald, the additional armor should be put where no bullet holes exist. This is because the aircraft that got hit in the other places, such as the engine, cockpit, flaps, and tail, never made it back alive.

data science quotes reference

This is an  essential lesson on how you should practice data science . Often whole projects are built around the available data, which leads you to ignore the questions whose answers are unavailable in the currently accessible data, causing you to commit availability bias.

data science quotes statistics and models

Statistics and Predictive models are an integral part of Data Science. The following two quotes provide an essential fact about them.

All models are wrong, but some are useful – George E. P. Box

What it means: When creating predictive models, you should remember that no model can be entirely correct; however, their limited accuracy does not make them obsolete. In your career in data science, you will create several models, and while they will be flawed, only some will be able to solve complex business problems.

It’s easy to lie with statistics. It’s hard, to tell the truth without statistics – Andrejs Dunkels

What it means: This quote indicates the place statistics has in the field of Data Science. To understand this quote, you need to know of another quote by Mark Twain, who critiqued statistics by saying there are three types of lies – ‘lies, damned lies, and statistics’.

Twain highlighted how applied statistics could strengthen weak arguments and manipulate facts to the extent that they become lies.

Continuing this idea, Andrejs Dunkels, a famous Swedish mathematician, argues that while statistics has its vices and the potential to perpetuate lies, it’s also impossible, to tell the truth without using it. Thus, it would be best if you used statistics very responsibly.

data science limitations quotes

All the quotes you read so far have provided an idea about the nature of data science, its importance, and how it should be practiced. However, like any other discipline, it also has limitations on which the next few quotes will shed light.

Torture the data, and it will confess to anything – Ronald Coase

What it means: Data Science is a field marred by the practice of manipulation. Statistics is an integral part of data science, and as discussed in the previous quote, statistics can be used for manipulation. This quote underlines the same idea that we can manipulate data (using statistics) to prove a point that we wish to establish, and this is highly unethical.

Things get done only if the data we gather can inform and inspire those in a position to make [a] difference – Michael Schmoker

What it means: Through this quote, you get a fundamental life lesson – no matter your work, it’s useless if it fails to make a difference. A significant limitation of data science is that it can become highly complex.

The insights a data scientist generates can result from using complicated statistics, complex mathematics, sophisticated algorithms, etc.

And if the insights are not properly conveyed to those in the leadership responsible for making big decisions, then all the effort you put into using data science will be futile. This is why reporting and storytelling are crucial aspects of data science.

being a data scientist

Being a data scientist is exciting and challenging. Here are some quotes that explain what a data scientist is all about.

Data scientist (n.): Person who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician – Josh Wills
Data scientist: The person who is better at explaining the business implications of analytical results than any scientist and better at the analytical science than any MBA – Dr. Jennifer Priestley

What they mean: The above two quotes highlight a data scientist’s unique work. Data scientists need to rely heavily on statistics to make sense of the data at hand; however, they also need to know programming to use their knowledge of statistics.

Also, all the retrieved insights must be put in a business perspective; therefore, they must have good reporting, communication, and business skills. At the same time, these skills are of no use if they lack good analytical skills in the first place.

Nobody ever talks about motivation in learning. Data science is a broad and fuzzy field, which makes it hard to learn. Really hard.

Without motivation, you’ll stop halfway through and believe you can’t do it when the fault isn’t with you―it’s with the teaching. Take control of your learning by tailoring it to what you want to do, not the other way around – Vik Paruchuri (Founder of Dataquest)

What it means: The founder of Dataquest provided a great quote that every data science aspirant must know, highlighting how the journey of becoming a data scientist is tumultuous. To become a good data scientist, you need a combination of high motivation levels, clear objectives, and an excellent mentor to teach you about this field.

As data scientists, our job is to extract signal from noise – Daniel Tunkelang

Daniel Tunkelang presented this quote about the work a Data Scientist should do. A scientist retrieves all the initially hidden results and insights from the bulk of data initially.

data science quotes on data

As the name suggests, Data Science is nothing but the scientific study of data. Therefore you need quotes on data to grasp this field fully.

If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine – Jim L. Barksdale

What it means: This American executive said that without data, any suggestion or decision is just an opinion and encouraged his team to look for data.

In God we trust. All others bring data – Barry Beracha

What it means: In a way, the CEO of Sara Lee Bakery Group extended the idea mentioned above. He says only God has all the information, so we trust him. To trust anything said by anyone other than God, they must back it up with data, thereby highlighting the importance of it.

That’s all data is. A gift from yesterday that you receive today to make tomorrow better – Jon Acuff

What it means: This quote by Jon Acuff explains how data is used in data science. Predictive models in data science are created using historical data with potential predictors and the ground truth. The models we build today try to find the connection between them that allows us to predict events and better prepare us for the future.

Data is the new oil – Clive Humby

What it means: Among the most famous quotes on data is the highly debated quote by this mathematician and marketeer who compared the preciousness of data to oil. The way oil has transformed our new worlds caused massive industrialization and the automobile revolution; data today has the same potential to transform the world.

Who has the data has the power – Tim O’Reilly

What it means: You can see this quote in light of the previous one. Countries that have oil have a massive influence on world politics. Similarly, organizations with a lot of data yield massive power as they can create models that often predict human behavior.

Too often we forget that genius, too, depends upon the data within its reach, that even Archimedes could not have devised Edison’s inventions – Ernest Dimnet
With data collection, ‘the sooner, the better’ is always the best answer – Marissa Mayer

What it means: Many data quotes establish the importance of data, but this quote by the famous French priest Ernest Dimnet and writer makes us aware of how great minds are also at the mercy of the available data. Thus if we wish to grow and innovate, we must expand the data quality. This is why former Yahoo president Marissa Mayer emphasizes that when it comes to data collection, ‘the sooner, the better’.

use of data

While the quotes so far would have established the importance of data, there are also a few ideas on how to use it effectively.

Contact data ages like fish not wine…it gets worse as it gets older, not better – Gregg Thaler

What it means: Data often indicates the behavior and choices of people. If used efficiently, one can do wonders with it by creating relevant products and pushing the right advertisement to them. However, unlike wine, such contact data gets less valuable as it ages.

Data is like garbage. You’d better know what you are going to do with it before you collect it – Mark Twain
One person’s data is another person’s noise – K. C. Cole

What it means: According to Twain, you must clearly know what you intend to do with the data before you collect it. Failing to do so will lead to storing unnecessary data. This idea can be coupled with what K. C. Cole said: If you are aware of your objective, then you can understand the data that might be useless to someone who has no clear objective or needs to learn how to use it.

importance of data

Rapid digitalization has been a boon for data science as it has led to the phenomenon of big data- a massive amount of data that can hold answers to the most complex problems. The next few quotes focus on the nature and importance of big data.

Without a systematic way to start and keep data clean, bad data will happen- Donato Diorio

What it means: Among the essential data quotes is this one, as it makes you aware that if the ever-expanding data is not stored correctly, it can lead to ‘bad data’ that makes it more of a liability than an asset.

There were 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days – Eric Schmid

What it means: This quote by Eric Schmid gives us the perspective of the velocity and volume with which data is generated. The information generated since the start of civilization is now generated in merely two days.

Big data is at the foundation of all the megatrends that are happening today, from social to mobile to cloud to gaming – Chris Lynch

What it means: Whether political movements, fashion trends, viral entertainment videos, or social gatherings and gaming, everything is moving to the cloud. Big data is at the heart of all these trends, making it very important for us to handle it effectively.

Where there is data smoke, there is a business fire – Thomas Redman
Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway – Geoffrey Moore

What they mean: The above two quotes paint an important picture for us. The first quote informs you about the tremendous data generated in various businesses. The second quote highlights the importance of big data for companies today.

Analyzing a large amount of data makes them understand their current business standing, its reason, how future events can unfold, and how they can affect them. Therefore, any business must analyze the data they generate to stay afloat.

machine learning quotes

Machine Learning and AI have become the most critical and famous aspects of Data Science. The following two quotes shed light on these two sub-fields of data science.

Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make – Nick Bostrom

Humankind has made many innovations, from wheels and fire to steam engines and airplanes. However, the innovation of making machines intelligent will be so massive and revolutionary that all other innovations will be a byproduct of it.

Some people call this artificial intelligence, but the reality is this technology will enhance us. So instead of artificial intelligence, I think we’ll augment our intelligence – Ginni Rometty

What it means: The use of AI will help us in augmenting our intelligence. In a way, it has the potential to become an extension of us, transforming us into superhumans.

future of AI quotes

The progress in AI has led to responses from various quarters of the world. While some voices are hopeful, others are more pessimistic as they envisage a doomsday scenario. The following quotes highlight the plausible positives and negatives of this technology.

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Robots are not going to replace humans; they are going to make their jobs much more humane. Difficult, demeaning, demanding, dangerous, dull – these are the jobs robots will be taking – Sabine Hauert

What it means: A common fear among the masses is that AI will create massive joblessness and make us obsolete. However, few like Hauert believe that only those jobs that are not good or counterproductive for humans will be replaced.

The coming era of Artificial Intelligence will not be the era of war, but be the era of deep compassion, non-violence, and love – Amit Ray

What it means: Building on the previous idea, I can quote Amit Ray, who believes AI will usher us into a world devoid of violence and war.

The pace of progress in artificial intelligence (I’m not referring to narrow AI) is incredibly fast. Unless you have direct exposure to groups like Deepmind, you have no idea how fast—it is growing at a pace close to exponential. The risk of something seriously dangerous happening is in the five-year time frame. 10 years at most – Elon Musk

What it means: Few individuals, however, hold a much more pessimistic view, including the Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk. He believes that AI can outgrow us at the pace it is currently evolving, creating existential dangers for humans in the near future.

If people trust artificial intelligence (AI) to drive a car, people will most likely trust AI to do your job – Dave Waters

What it means: Dave Waters holds a dreadful view of AI related to its potential to create unemployment.

He takes self-driving cars as an example. To us, human life is the most precious. If we can put our lives in the hands of AI by believing in self-driving cars, then AI will quickly take over most other jobs where human lives are not at stake.

All the above quotes discuss some aspect of data science that directly or indirectly impacts us. The next section will intrigue you greatly if you are fascinated by this field and need guidance on getting started!

Quick guide to start a career in data science

The field of Data Science has various broad categories to help you give a good career start in any domain. The following categories are mentioned below-

  • Statistics
  • Algorithms
  • Data Structure
  • Programming
  • Modeling
  • Analytical Acumen
  • Business Acumen
  • Storytelling & Communication Skills
  • Big Data
  • Cloud Computing

You can follow the eight steps to jump-start your career in Data Science-

Step 1

Ideally, it would be helpful if you started understanding statistics, including descriptive and inferential statistics. Once done, you should apply your knowledge using tools like MS Excel.

Step 2

The next step should be to make yourself comfortable with data, particularly structured datasets. For this, you can learn a query language like SQL.

Step 3

Programming is an essential aspect of data science. Picking a popular language like Python or R and learning the programming fundamentals, such as loops, OOPS concepts, etc., will be helpful. 

Step 4

Now, understanding algorithms is the next big step. Ideally, start with statistical algorithms such as linear and logistic regression, k-means, ARIMA, etc.; these allow you to solve regression, classification, segmentation, and forecasting problems. You can then move up to machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

Step 5

This step typically runs parallel with the previous step, which is model building. Ideally, when you learn the theoretical aspects of an algorithm, you should immediately create a model using it.

Step 6

Working on other aspects of data science that help you coherently present your findings is essential. Therefore, you should enhance your business acumen, storytelling, communication, and reporting skills. Learning tools like PowerBI or Tableau can be helpful here.

Step 7

Today the velocity and the volume of data are increasing rapidly. Therefore you must be aware of big data and its associated tools, such as HDFS, Hadoop, Spark, etc.

Step 8

Now, most of the work of Data Science is moving to the cloud. Learning tools like AWS, Azure, or GCP should also be your goal once you are familiar with all other aspects of data science.

Ideally, if you follow the eight steps mentioned above, you can systematically cover all the significant aspects of data science. The good part is that with the completion of each stage, new job opportunities will open up for you.

Looking to start a career in Data Science? Start with our online learning module for data science, which covers all the basic data science concepts. Get hands-on training on data science subjects and projects, and earn a globally accepted certificate.

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If you have questions, opt for a quick demo or get in touch with our experts’ team.


  • What is a good science quote?

A good data science quote conveys a complex and essential idea in simple words. Among some good data science quotes is-

“Data science is all about asking interesting questions based on the data you have—or often the data you don’t have.”

– Sarah Jarvis, Director of Applied Machine Learning and Data Science at ‘Secondmind’

This quote provides an approach to solving business problems using data science. The standard technique to solve a business problem would be to ask a question based on the available data. However, the right approach is to ask the right questions while the data may be unavailable.

  • What is data science in one line?

Data Science is the science of storing, analyzing, and presenting information to enhance decision-making.

  • Who is the number 1 data scientist in the world?

There have been many data scientists that have contributed to the world of data science in different ways. Important personalities in the field of data science include-

  • Corina Cortes: pioneered data mining
  • Geoffery Hinton: considered the godfather of deep learning
  • Leo Breiman: responsible for many enhancements in the decision tree algorithm
  • Vladimir Vapnik: creator of the famous ML algorithm Support Vector Machines
  • Dhanurjay Patil: First US Chief data science and pioneer of the term’ Data Scientist.’
  • Andrew NG: Stanford University professor. renowned for his work in AI and online courses that made Data Science accessible to the masses.

We hope the quotes discussed in this article were helpful for you in enhancing your understanding of data science. If you have an interesting quote, write back to us!

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